Capt. Michael Fred Norteye
- Residence: First Empire Link, Off Spintex Road Batsona, Accra. Ghana
- Experience: 30 Years
- Email:michael.norteye@flatcmarineoffshore.com / mnorteye@gmail.com
- Phone: +233 246147775
- Master Degree in International Business Administration. (MBA) from Wolverhampton Business School, University of Wolverhampton. UK.
- Master Mariner Class 1 Certificate of Competency – Rep. of Singapore,
- Post Graduate Diploma in Maritime Transportation. – Rep of Singapore
- Certified Dynamic Positioning Master – Unlimited – Nautical Institute UK
- Certified Lead Auditor in Quality & Safety Management Systems, -Ferriby Marine UK
- Certified Company Security Officer – Ferriby Marine UK
- Certified Marine Industry Trainer & Simulation Instructor – ITE Singapore
- Certified Helicopter Landing Officer.- SMTC Singapore
- Certificate in BOSIET & FOET – SMTC Singapore
- Certificate in Maritime Labour Convention Implementation (MLC 2006) – Singapore
- Graduate Studies in Marine Navigation. (Pre Sea) – Regional Maritime University -Ghana
2022 to Date: Managing Director– FlatC Marine Offshore Ltd Ghana
2016 to 2022: Director in Charge of Operations– FlatC Marine Offshore Ltd Ghana
Aug 2015 to Dec 2015: Regional Project Manager for Africa. Emas Offshore Pte Ltd. – Singapore.
Based in Luanda. Angola Office.
2013 to 2015: Group General Manager–Arkstar Ship Management & Arkstar Offshore Ltd- Singapore
2013 – Group Operations Manager – Go Marine Group – Singapore
2012 – 2013: Ops Manager & Senior Fleet Manager – Otto Marine Group – Singapore
2009 – 2012: Emas Offshore Pte Ltd – Senior Ship Delivery & DP Master – Singapore
2008 – 2009: DP & Anchor Handling Training Instructor – Emas Academy – Singapore
2005 – 2008: Master In Command – Emas Offshore Pte Ltd. Working in Oil fields in Thailand,
Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Abidjan, Angola & Nigeria.
2004- 2005: Master In Command – Vroon BV of Holland
2002- 2004: Fleet Captain – Rooney Shipping & Trading Pty Ltd- Darwin, Australia.
1998 – 2002: Master In Command – Rooney Shipping & Trading Pty Ltd – Darwin, Australia
- Associate Fellow of the Nautical Institute (AFNI)
- UK Chartered Member of The Institute of Logistics and Transport (MCIT) – UK
Having graduated from the Regional Maritime University in Ghana in 1986, Capt Norteye started his career, as a cadet with the National Shipping Line in Ghana; He then sailed on various ship types as a junior Officer. As a senior Officer, Michael sailed on Chemical Tanker, BULK Carriers, & Multi-purpose ships. In 1998 Michael gained his first command as Master with Rooney Shipping of Australia.
In 2002 Michael rose to become the Company Fleet Captain based in Darwin, Australia.
In 2004 Captain Norteye joined Vroon BV of Holland for one year before joining Emas Offshore Pte Ltd Singapore in 2005.
During his service as Master in Offshore, Capt. Norteye was actively engaged in Towing, Tanker lifting, Anchor Handling, Pipe laying with barge, Jacket Launching, Rig Movements, Supply & Dive Support. And Turret Anchor mooring engagement in Arthit Field. Thailand.
During his tour of duty as Master in Offshore, Capt. Norteye served in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Middle East, and in Africa, – In Nigeria, Abidjan fields and also in Deep Sea Offshore operations in Angola with FPSOs Dalia & Pride of Africa. In Emas, Michael served on DSV Lewek Toucan and also led the Towage operation for the Agbami Project from Lagos in Nigeria to Okpo in South Korea, which included players like DSME & Chevron.
In Nigeria Michael worked in Total fields of Akpo whiles commanding the Dive Support Vessel DSV Lewek Toucan on pipeline inspection with ROV at water depths of up to 2,000m
As a senior Master then in Emas, Capt Norteye delivered the world’s biggest Anchor Handler – Lewek Fulmar in 2011 with a Bollard Pull of 400 TBP.
After assisting to set up Emas Academy and becoming the first Marine Instructor to teach Anchor Handling simulation and Dynamic Positioning, Capt. Norteye, shifted to shore management positions in Feb 2012 where he served as Operations Manager with Global Workboats, then as Senior Fleet Manager with Otto Ship Management Pte Ltd. Both outfits belonged to Otto Marine Group.
Michael was seconded to Go Marine Group as the Group Operations Manager; and whiles there, he expanded the Group’s presence in West Africa with additional 4 ships into the African market.
By mid 2013, Michael moved to set up Arkstar Offshore Pte Ltd and Arkstar Ship Management Pte Ltd. for Hoe Leong Group in Singapore and managed the Group for 2 years as The Group GM.
Michael left the Group after 2 years. With his project management experience, in August 2015 to December 2015, Capt. Norteye returned to Emas Offshore as the Regional Project Manager for Africa; in charge of the company’s assets in the African Region to the tune of USD350 million. Whiles stationed in Luanda, Angola, Michael oversaw the CRX project. With ENI -Angola and Dynamic Offshore as main clients. Michael was instrumental in the successful implementation of the Congo River Crossing Project “CRX Project” between Angola and DR Congo.
Since Jan 2016, Capt. Norteye has returned home and taken up the position of Chief Operating Officer in FlatC Marine Offshore Limited; where he is also a Managing Partner and Shareholder. He now serves as the Managing Director of the Company.

Chief Engineer George A. Fiadonu
- Residence: Melbourne, Australia.
- Spintex Road Accra.
- Experience: 35 Years
- Email: george.fiadonu@flatcmarineoffshore.com/ gafiadonu@yahoo.com.au
- Phone: +61 – 409124578
Chief Engineer George Fiadonu obtained his pre-sea cadet training in Marine Engineering from the Regional Maritime Academy in Ghana. He then pursued advanced studies at the Australian Maritime College in Launceston, Tasmania, where he earned an Advanced Diploma in Marine Engineering and a Class 1 Certificate of Competency (COC) in Marine Engineering (Chief Engineer).
George began his career as a Junior Engineer with Neptune Orient Lines (now American President Lines, APL) and American Eagle Tankers in the Gulf of the United States. He steadily advanced in his career, eventually joining the offshore sector, where he served as both a Chief Engineer and Port Engineer with Tidewater Marine International. He later worked with the Atlantic Maritime Group in the UAE as a Port Engineer before moving to TAMS Group, focusing on transshipment operations.
Throughout his career, George has worked on a wide variety of vessel types, including General Cargo ships, Container Vessels, Oil Tankers, Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) vessels, Platform Supply Vessels (PSV), Standby Boats, and Transshipment Barges. His extensive experience as a Port Engineer includes roles at Tidewater in Nigeria and at the Atlantic Maritime Group in the UAE. With his knowledge and skills in the offshore and oil industries, George is strategically positioned to perform effectively in all aspects of his role.
As a strategic planner and team player, George brings vision, passion, and leadership, allowing him to manage and grow business operations, thus contributing to the positioning of the industry in the competitive global offshore and oil markets.
Advanced Diploma in Marine Engineering – Australian Maritime College
Class 1 Certificate of Competency in Marine Engineering – Issued by Australia
Professional Membership
Member, Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers (Since 1989)
Work Experience
With over 35 years of sea service experience, George has worked on various ocean-going vessels, including general cargo, container ships, and oil tankers. He has been actively engaged in offshore operations, working with deep-sea Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) boats, DP2 supply vessels, and handling tasks such as semi-submersible rig operations, tanker lifting, pipe laying, jacket launching, rig movements, turret anchor mooring, ROV operations, and transshipment barge operations for iron ore shipments.
Position: Port Engineer
Companies: Tidewater Marine International (Pte) Limited (Nigeria) and Atlantic Maritime Group (UAE)
- Managed the technical operations of vessels, including the maintenance and repair of all mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, control, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems on board anchor handling, supply, and crew boats.
- Organized the delivery of spare parts to company vessels.
Position: Chief Engineer
Company: Tidewater Marine International (Pte) Limited, Singapore
- Oversaw maintenance and repair of all machinery, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, control, air conditioning, and refrigeration on anchor handling and supply boats.
- Ensured the welfare of engine room staff and managed the operations of specialized equipment for cargo supply, anchor handling, and towing.
Positions: Junior Engineer to 1st Engineer
- Responsible for the mechanical and electrical maintenance and operations on crude oil tankers (104,000MT, 80,000MT, and 100,000MT), container ships, and general cargo vessels.
- Operated and maintained various systems, including main engines, generators, boilers, compressors, purifiers, pumps, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, motors, and fan systems.

Captain Francis K. Boakye
- Halifax Canada,
- Spintex Road Accra.
- Experience: 25 Years
- Email:
- Phone: +233 241229815 / +233 506434190
• June 1999: Transport Canada MASTER MARINER
Work Experience:
2008 to 2021: CEO FlatC Marine Offshore Limited
2011-2013: Country Manager and Port Captain of Gulf Offshore-UK North Sea
2008: Assistant Rig Tow Master , Work with Towmaster Richard Spellacy(Seadrill 3)
2005-2007: Master/Port Captain/Superintendent, Maersk Supply Service, Malabo (Equatorial
• In charge of four AHTS Boats
• Responsible for all logistics, safety, liaison with charterers, agents chandlers, crew
matters, crew changes, accounting
2007-2008: UP offshore PSV’s, Ravenscroft, Miami
2002-2005: Maersk Supply Service
• Offshore Anchor handling supply boats (Seabase Limited, St John’s Newfoundland, Canada)
• Sailed in and out of the Halifax Harbour on numerous occasions between 2002 and
2005 and various International assignments on AHTS for Maersk Supply Service,
2000-2002: Petrolships Ptd Ltd, Singapore
• Sailed on various product tankers in Asia region.
1998-2000: Kentlines Ltd and Irving oil of St John, New Brunswick, Canada, sailed on VLCC’s , Container vessels.
!989-2000: Ocean Tramping co. Hong kong. Wallem Shipmangement, Hong Kong. Sailed on various bulk carriers, Oil bulk Ore.
1988/89: Cadetship, Neptune Orient Lines ( Singapore).